Bible Text: Mark 4:35-41 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Mark | This week we finish up Mark 4. This really should be the beginning of chapter 5 as…
Bible Text: Mark 4:26-34 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Mark | As we move forward a few verses in Mark we come to the two last parables of…
Bible Text: Mark 4:1-20 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Mark | Mark 4 begins with the well-known parable of The Sower. Also known as the parable of the…
Bible Text: Mark 3:20-35 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Mark | The latter part of Mark 3 has an interesting form. It begins and ends with Jesus' family…
Bible Text: Mark 2:1-12 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Mark | This week we will begin the second chapter of Mark. A familiar story found in all three…
Bible Text: Mark 1:29-45 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Mark | Finishing the first chapter of Mark. We'll read again a familiar story, I will tell you again…
Bible Text: Mark 1:21-28 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Mark | Moving a bit slower than I had anticipated when doing some preliminary work for this series. But,…
Bible Text: Mark 1:14-20 | Teacher: John W. Wilson | Series: Mark | Jesus comes out of the wilderness, goes down to the lake and calls two pairs of brothers…