
Video: The last month of sermons are available to watch online. Click on the title of the sermon to view the video.

Audio: Sermons are available to listen to online or to download to your device to listen to at a later time.

One Single Savior

April 1, 2018
It was so good to be back with you last week for Palm Sunday, the first tremors of the coming earthquake that is Easter. We celebrate the resurrection every Lords…

Broken Wings

October 22, 2017
It is difficult for me to fathom just how folks like Martin Luther could have accomplished so much. He preached and taught regularly, wrote extensively, traveled frequently, met with students…

The Story

April 16, 2017
We will of course be thinking of the Easter story, the bigger biblical story, and just how we fit our stories into that big picture. Lots of folks really like…